You do not have to go through your ADHD journey alone. I am Yakini and I am an ADHD advocate that focuses on parents with ADHD and parents with children with ADHD. Adults can also take away gems especially when I talk with the parents that have ADHD. The purpose is to provide as much information as possible to support parents through their journey. I will be talking to parents and professionals that work with ADHD children. Join us in these conversations. Note, any missing episode that you don't see on this podcast, you can catch it on my YouTube channel - ADHD Love - YouTube.

Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Ep. 64 ADHD and Asian Community Awareness
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Is it taboo to discuss ADHD or any type of mental health concerns with in your cultural or community?
Nelly Lin and Juno Lee are co-hosts of Two Addy’s and a Coffee, Please. They are two Asian-American women that share their stories and bring attention to mental health awareness especially in their community. The video is open, unfiltered with a dash of cursing, and honest. I enjoyed talking with them because I could relate to a lot of what they were saying.
Check out the video!!
Nelly and Juno's Resources:
■ https://www.instagram.com/twoaddys/
Other Resources:
■ Book: Taking Charge of Your ADHD
■ How to ADHD YouTube Channel
■ Visual timer reminders

Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Ep. 63 ADHD and Tapping with Kate
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Have you ever felt like you had some much tension and anxiety pinned up in you that you don't know how to deal with it?
Here is an example of one method that I've heard helps people calm their energy when they are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Check out Kate Moryoussef as she talks about EFT and Tapping.
Kate is based in the UK. She is a well-being coach, EFT coach and she uses a lot of EFT and tapping in her coaching therapy. She realized how beneficial it was before her ADHD diagnosis. Then after her diagnosis she realized how powerful it was to be relieving some of the symptoms of ADHD.
She digs into what EFT/Tapping is, the history of it and the benefits of doing tapping. Then she connects it to ADHD and how it can help a busy mind or body.
Kate’s Resources:
■ IG: https://www.instagram.com/kate_moryoussef_coach/
■ Website: https://www.coachingbykate.me.uk/awakening-your-gentle-rebel
Other Resources:
■ IG: Candance M Fox: https://www.instagram.com/eftforadhd/
■ Website: EFT International - https://eftinternational.org/
■ YouTube: Brad Yates: https://www.youtube.com/user/eftwizard

Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Ep. 62 ADHD and Weight Loss with Emily
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Emily Prokop is a mom, a podcaster, a podcast editor and she also has ADHD. She was diagnosed at with ADHD at age 30 and found the diagnosis validating. Then we dig into her weight loss journey, why she struggled with it, why it is tied to her ADHD and how she learned to manage it.
Check her out!!
Emily’s Resources:
■ Website: www.epodcastproductions.com
■ IG: https://www.instagram.com/emilypeckprokop/
■ The Story Behind - my webby-nominated podcast about the history of everyday objects ■ TheStoryBehindPodcast.com

Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Ep. 61 ADHD Diagnosis - Why Are Girls Missed? with Dr. Sam.
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Dr. Samantha Hiew is a Communication Consultant with a background of in Cancer Research, PhD. Sam was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 40 with the combined type. Her daughter was diagnosed at 6 years old. She actually had to fight to get her daughter diagnosed because like many girls she was masking the traits because she learned at an early age that some of the things she was doing wasn’t acceptable.
Sam talks about why girls typically get missed in their diagnosis and what can we do to help advocate for our girls if we believe they have ADHD traits. She also talks about the workplace and how women with ADHD can function better in their environment.
Her Resources:
■ IG: https://www.instagram.com/adhd_girls/
■ Website: https://adhdgirls.co.uk/
■ Linked In: ADHD in the Workplace
Other Resources:
■ Book: Understanding Girls with ADHD
■ Book: Understanding ADHD in Girls and Women
■ Book: ADHD 2.0 by Dr. Hallowell and John Ratey

Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Ep. 60 Sarah and Her Daughter’s ADHD Journey
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Sarah Lacko is a mom of an ADHD child, she is an entrepreneur, she is a woman’s empowerment coach and she is also believes she has ADHD. She discusses her teenager’s journey and the ups and downs of her ADHD journey. Plus, she discusses what strategies she has put in place for herself and an undiagnosed person.
Take a listen. It is another great conversation. This again tells you that you are not alone.
Her Resources:

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Ep. 59 ADHD and Balance with Kristen
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
My guest is Kristen Carder. She is the host of I Have ADHD Podcast. She is a mom of three children, a wife, an entrepreneur and more. We dig into balancing her days and what techniques does she
Her resources:
■ Podcast: I Have ADHD Podcast
■ Coaching Program: Focused
■ IG: https://www.instagram.com/i.have.adhd.podcast/
Other Resources:
■ Essentialism by Greg Mckeown
■ Effortless by Greg Mckeown

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Ep. 58 Jen‘s ADHD Story
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
JEN'S ADHD STORY: Jen is a mom of two children, both with ADHD, and was diagnosed with ADHD in her late 40's. She talks about her journey including why she got the assessment and what she does differently since the diagnosis. Also, she talks about how the family balances the household having multiple people with ADHD.
Check her out!
Her Resources:
■ IG: https://www.instagram.com/adhd.relatable.podcast/
■ Email: jenjacobsoncoaching@gmail.com
Other resources:
■ I Have ADHD Podcast with Kristen Carder - https://www.instagram.com/i.have.adhd.podcast/
■ Dr. Russell Barkley

Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Ep. 57 ADHD and Estrogen with Linda Roggli
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Linda Roggli was diagnosed in her late 40’s with ADHD. After she was recommended to take a look at Driven to Distraction, she realized how much she related to it and bought it immediately. Linda does a lot of work supporting women when it comes to ADHD.
She is an ADHD coach. She hosts ADHD retreats and she puts on a conference each year called ADHD Women's Palooza. And, this is only a few things that she does. In this video, Linda talks about ADHD and how it can be connected to menopause and hormones. Join us on this very interesting conversation!!!
Her Resources:
■ Website: https://addiva.net/
■ Instagram: @lroggli
■ Women’s retreats: https://addivaretreats.com/
■ Women’s ADHD Palooza: https://adhdpalooza.com/women/
■ Email: linda@addiva.net

Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Ep. 56 ADHD and Reading Struggles Dr. Jessica Bennett
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Dr. Jessica Bennett is a special education teacher and had been doing this for about 17 years. She licensed for kids grade K-12 and sometimes she teaches colleges classes. As part of her teaching, she helps many that have reading disabilities and other neurodiverse struggles.
She talked about why she decided to focus on children with dyslexia. She discusses how setting up some tools in schools to help not just those with learning differences, but also could support those who do not have the same concerns. She answers how does ADHD and dyslexia connect, what can people do at home to help their children if they have learning differences, and how can they advocate for them at school.
My favorite quote from this video is, “You are the CEO of your child’s IEP”.
Check it out!!!
Her Resources:
■ Mindful Literacy Columbus Conference
■ Website: https://mindfulliteracypractice.org/conference/
■ IG: https://www.instagram.com/mindful.literacy.practice/
Other Resources:
■ The Yale Dyslexia Center
■ International Dyslexia Association
■ Understood.org

Monday Nov 22, 2021
Ep. 55 ADHD with a Comedic Twist with Stacey Machelle
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Stacey Machelle is the creator of ADHD is the New Black. It is about sharing information about ADHD with a comedic twist. Her heart is in comedy, but she started in journalism. It was during her journalism stint when she realized something was not right. It was after she saw a psychiatrist that she was originally diagnosed with ADHD. It wasn't until many years later that she embraced the diagnosis.
She talks about medication, masking, relationships, work life and more.
Check out this amazing and funny woman!
Her Resources:
YouTube: ADHD is the New Black
■ IG: @staceymachelle
■ FB: https://www.facebook.com/adhdisthenewblack
■ Merchandise: www.adhdisthenewblack.com
■ Patreon: ADHD is the New Black
Other Resources:
■ Inger Shaye https://www.instagram.com/ingershaye/
■ Jessica McCabe https://www.instagram.com/howtoadhd/
■ I Have ADHD Podcast with Kristen Carder (https://www.instagram.com/i.have.adhd.podcast/)
■ The ADHD Artist Podcast
■ Translating ADHD with Cameron Gott and Shelly Collins
■ 10% Happier with Dan Harris
■ Hacking your ADHD with William Curb
■ ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka (https://www.instagram.com/tracyotsuka/)
■ Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast with Nikki Kinzer
■ Parenting ADHD with Penny Williams
■ Adulting with ADHD with Sarah Synder
■ ADHD Rewired – Eric Tivers