You do not have to go through your ADHD journey alone. I am Yakini and I am an ADHD advocate that focuses on parents with ADHD and parents with children with ADHD. Adults can also take away gems especially when I talk with the parents that have ADHD. The purpose is to provide as much information as possible to support parents through their journey. I will be talking to parents and professionals that work with ADHD children. Join us in these conversations. Note, any missing episode that you don't see on this podcast, you can catch it on my YouTube channel - ADHD Love - YouTube.

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep. 34 - ADHD and College Support Systems with Dina Quondamatteo
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Dina Quondamatteo is a mother of twins, a wife, a daughter, an entrepreneur, and a trainer. She was diagnosed at 38 in 2008 with the combined type. She finished college later in life including Law School. She discusses how she was diagnosed, how she got through college being undiagnosed, and what strategies she implemented to help her after she was diagnosed. She also talks about how she advocated for herself once she was diagnosed in college. Her Resources: ■ Email: theadhdlawyer@gmail.com ■ IG: The ADHD Lawyer Other Resources: ■ Suzanne Robertshaw on IG: Teaching with a Difference ■ Patricia Sung on IG: Motherhood in ADHD ■ Driven to Distraction: Dr. Edward Hallowell and John Ratey ■ Learning Outside The Lines by Jonathan Mooney (Author), Dave Cole (Author), Edward M. Hallowell (Foreword)

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep. 33 - My Family's ADHD Journey and ADHD Love with Yakini Pierce
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
I want to thank Kamden who volunteered to take time out of her busy schedule to interview me. She is an awesome person!! Kamden Hainsworth: https://beacons.page/kamden_adhd In this episode, I share my family's diagnosis story. I think it is important for other family's to know that they are not alone. I also talk about ADHD Love and why I decided to start this platform. Also, check me (Yakini) out on: ■ Facebook - ADHD Love - FB ■ Twitter - ADHD Love - Twitter ■ Instagram - ADHD Love - IG ■ Clubhouse - ADHD Love - Clubhouse ■ ADHD Love Merchandise

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep. 32 - Author, Advocate, and ADHD with Nicole Russell
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Nicole Russell is an author and the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Precious Dreams Foundation. She started this work in New York city in 2012 and has grown since then. This organization provides coping tools and programs for youth living in homeless shelters or navigating the foster care system. She also is CEO of the Pitch House which is a consulting business that helps others get their non-profits off the ground, including corporations. Lastly, she was diagnosed with the inattentive type of ADHD during the pandemic. She shares her strategies that she has used since finding out that she has ADHD. Her Resources: ■ Precious Dreams Foundation: Precious Dream Foundation ■ IG: Nicole Russell ■ IG:
Precious Dream Foundation ■ FB: Precious Dreams Foundation Her Books: ■ My Busy, Busy Brain – https://shop.nicolerussell.com/ ■ Everything a Band-aid Can’t Fix ■ Write Here & Tear journal Her Other Resources: ■ Sleep time playlist – to help her stay focus throughout the day ■ Pinch Me Therapy Dough ■ Zenimal Kids – Teaches mindfulness through audio meditations

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep. 31 - ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder with Ashleigh Tolliver
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ashleigh is a nurse and a mom to twins (boy and girl). She has a blog and podcast called “Parenting That Kid". Her daughter was diagnosed with ADHD and she also had sensory processing disorder. Even though her son wasn’t diagnosed with sensory processing disorder, she also sees common struggles that she sees in her daughter. Ashleigh talks about Sensory Process Disorder. She discusses what is it, what are some of the symptoms and how do you manage it? She also give tips on how to manage your or your child's day if you are diagnosed with this disorder along with ADHD. Her Resources: ■ Website: Parenting That Kid ■ Podcast: Parenting That Kid ■ IG: Ashleigh Tolliver ■ FB: Parenting That Kid Other Resources: ■ Lemon Lime Adventures ■ Additude Magazine

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep. 30 - ADHD and FASD with Aubrey Page
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
My guest is Aubrey Page. She is the CEO of CSH Collab. Her company is a “collaborate of advocates and educators for neurodiversity”. She shares more details about why she decided to create a company and who all she supports and what she does to support them. She then talks about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). She talks about why children are diagnosed with FASD, and what she recommends even when women suspect they are pregnant. Lastly, she dives into FASD and how it compares to ADHD. She also gives tips on how you can take the steps to properly support them. She also talks about medication and how it could affect a child with FASD. Her Resources: ■ YouTube: Aubrey Page ■ You Tube: The Change Starts Here Collaborative ■ IG: The CSH Collab ■ IG: Aubrey Page - FASD ■ Email: aubrey@thecshcollab.com

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep. 29 Bonus_Episode - ADHD and Comic Creativity with Bri
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Bri is a brilliant comic creator. She shares snippets of her life through her stories. She could draw as far as she can remember. It has been fascinating to watch and the ideas she comes up with are simply fantastic! Take a listen to Bri from ADHDBri! Her Resources: ADHD Bri - IG and ADHD Bri - Twitter.

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep. 28 - ADHD and Managing Money with Patricia Sung
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Today my guest is Patricia Sung. She has been married for 10 years and has two boys. She was diagnosed in college with Inattentive ADHD. Patricia is an ADHD advocate and has a podcast for moms called Motherhood in ADHD. She shares her journey which includes of her tips that helped her get through college. Patricia then digs into finances. She was once a branch manager for a bank and she shares her financial knowledge. She talks about about budgets, emergency funds, retirement funds, investing and more. This is a great talk that you don’t want to miss. Her Resources: ■ Mother in ADHD Podcast: https://www.patriciasung.com/podcast ■ IG: https://www.instagram.com/motherhoodinadhd/ ■ Her Podcasts on Finances: ■ Savings First: https://www.patriciasung.com/episode-022 ■ How To Not Overdraw Your Bank Account: https://www.patriciasung.com/episode-023 ■ How To Pay Your Bills On Time: https://www.patriciasung.com/episode-024 ■ Budget Is Not A 4-Letter Word: https://www.patriciasung.com/episode-031 ■ More Money By Spending On What Matters: https://www.patriciasung.com/episode-032

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep. 26 - ADHD and Imposter Syndrome with Andy Gil
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
ADHD and Imposter Syndrome | ADHD Parenting and ADHD Adults Andy Gil is a husband, father and is a Life Coach. He was diagnosed in his late 20’s and although he didn’t have strategies put in place at a young age he grown to learn how to manage is ADHD. We discuss his ADHD journey and how he has managed his struggles. Then we dive into Imposter Syndrome and some tips on how to help adults and children work through it. What has your experience been with Imposter Syndrome? ■ His resources: ■ Linked In – Andrew Gil ■ Instagram - Andy Gil - IG ■ Website: www.andrewgil.com ■ Check out his video on Life Coaching on ADHD Lifestyle Magazine: ■ https://youtu.be/16aXVH85ZyM ■ His Podcasts: ■ ADHD Lifestyle Community ■ Fun Shit Only Other Resources: ■ Why do I feel like an imposter? by Sandi Mann ■ Ted Talk – The Surprising Solution to the Imposter Syndrome | Lou Solomon

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Ep. 25 ADHD and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) with Dr. Carrie Jackson
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Dr. Carrie Jackson’s PhD is in psychology. She is finishing up the licensing requirement to become a license child psychologist. She works at a children’s hospital where she does therapy and evaluation both with individual's, family and group work with kids, many who have ADHD. Carrie discusses what Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is. She also discussed when RSD can be an issue with your child, how do you advocate for them if they are struggling, and how to help your children move through a RSD situation. She also shares what tips can help teenagers and adults with RSD. ■ Her Resources: ■ Dr. Carrie Jackson - IG ■ Free Parent Guide To ADHD by Dr. Jackson (Find at her website) ■ Website: https://www.drcarriejackson.com/